Tuesday, February 17

vday in the city

jason and i never really "do" valentine's day, mostly because besides mother's day, vday is a busy time for restaurants. i think we've "celebrated" valentine's day maybe...twice. they were lovely too. but this year, i must say was the best.

this past valentine's day, jason was working, so i had my evening planned out. my loyal vday date, Melissa, is vacationing in Arizona, so i would be spending it by myself, which - honestly - i was really looking forward to. i went to richmond with a friend the night before and saw the felicity dvd sets on sale for $24.99 which is a STEAL because regular price is $79.99. Don't ask me why, i thought that was ridiculous.

anyway, i bought seasons 1 & 2. i also had awesome chinese leftovers from the night before for vday dinner. i was set!

i started the day making jason brunch. since he always makes dinner/lunch for me and other people, i thought it would be a thoughtful gesture. sadly my eggs were overdone, my bacon and toast was cold and i guess i cooked way too many sausages for one person. but it's the thought that counts!

after jason left for work, i started my afternoonwith a run around the seawall - 12 km in 1hr 3mins (not bad eh!) as it was a beautiful day. lots of couples walking along the seawall, including a guy dressed as cupid. i do not kid.

later on, i had my dvds set with my dinner on the table, and a pillow and blanket on the couch for total veg-out time. i finished volume 1 of season 1 and suddenly had a craving for bubble tea. (thanx jay) so i thought i'd go venture out.

with my sweatshirt, no makeup and converse sneakers, i walked to robson and HOLY COW what a big deal valentine's day is to so many people.

i went to capstone tea or whatever it's called, as it's the closest place that has bubble tea (and it wasn't very good). i went up to put my order in and the cashier looked at me, tilted his head to the side and said, "are you having a good night?" if he hadn't tilted his head, i would've thought he was just asking me how my evening was, but in this case, it was a full out tilt with sad puppy dog eyes look. he told me my bubble tea would only be a few minutes.

so i wait at this table with a newspaper and I SWEAR, i felt everyone's eyes on me. i looked up and noticed the place was packed with couples and couples only. one girl with a huge stuffed animal seated in the chair next to her, kept looking at me like i was the saddest sight she'd ever seen.

tapping my foot and staring at my paper, i'm impatiently wondering where's the bubble tea? then i thought, HEY! i'm not a sad sight! i'm married! i HAVE a permanent valentine!

so i started waving my hand around as to attract their attention to my wedding rings.

HAHA that's so pathetic!

but so me :o)

jason and i "celebrated" valentine's day on sunday. we walked from our place to best buy on cambie (where i got season 3 of felicity) and had dinner at banana leaf with a night cap at the sylvia hotel.

a wonderful day and a perfect way to end a perfect weekend. :o)


Anonymous said...

bubble tea, eh? LOL
That sounded like quite a day..
Now I'm craving it!!

Jason H

Anonymous said...

i love that you were waving your hand around. that is so AWESOME!

xo from obamatown