Wednesday, February 25

40 days to feel horrible about yourself

it's lent and i've forgotten i'm not supposed to eat meat on Ash Wednesday. i thought that rule was only for Good Friday. we're also not going to Church tonight either. zero for two.
to make up for it, i have decided on not giving up just one thing for lent, but TWO!
Lenten Resolution 1: No coffee
expect side-effects such as grumpiness, fatigue and bitchiness. even more so than usual.
Lenten Resolution 2: No swearing
this will be a tough one and hard to keep, so i'll be keeping some sort of "jar" and put money in it everytime i swear. proceeds will go to the offering basket on Easter sunday.

i bet you're wondering why i'm not giving up rice for lent.
that's because that would be crazy!
what would i eat?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG it's lent, already?

I had no idea... crap! LOL

I am such a bad Catholic...
