Friday, January 4

A New Year

New Year's is usually a let down, a disappointment even. But not this year!

This year, a gaggle of us strays went to where Jason works (Le Marrakesh) to ring in the New Year. After drinking at my place, we thought that'd be a good place to hang out, especially since we don't have to pay cover and all that.

Jason working while we....

we were drinking at home

and then off to the party!

I've also added the link to our wedding website the right hand side over there --->

Please check it out and sign the guest book when you have a chance!

1 comment:

danny/ink2metal said...

ha! we have such similar facial expressions in our pictures from new year's.

looks like you had as much fun as we did ringing in 2008!

this year shall be glorious as long as we only have two weddings and no funerals! teehee!