Wednesday, December 19

hump day eye candy

Besides the "big" news that Britney Spears's 16 yr old sister is preggers, i'm looking forward to the opening of the movie Atonement!!

I looooove looooooove james mcavoy.

he's so dreeeeeamy


danny/ink2metal said...

how crazy are we!?! not too many people think he's cute, let alone dreamy.

i kinda got all wierd with beastiality fantasies when he played thomas the fawn in the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. teehee! and then i got the jungle fever when he was the doctor in the last king of scotland. hrrrumphhh!

oh, yeah! he's dreamy alright!

Anonymous said...

oh yes and the scottish accent to top it all off. He's HAAAAT