I looooove looooooove james mcavoy.

he's so dreeeeeamy
writing with reckless abandon
he's so dreeeeeamy
Unlike the other rooms we've seen, this one is not a basic square/rectangle shape. It's got 3 entrances/exits and is a diamond shape goes diagonally. Also, how lovely that the dance floor isn't in the middle of the dining area. It is off to the side near the bar so dining will be much more enjoyable without this empty vast space in the middle of the floor. We also won't be having our head table at the forefront, as if we are preciding over the whole reception. Instead we'll have an oval shaped table in the middle of the dining area so no one is sitting in a line, but just like all the other guests. Who wants to just talk to the person to your left and right? BORING. This way too, I can turn around and talk to guests at a table behind us.
I also finally have my bridal party picked out (Jason is still deciding his):
Melissa is my MOH and Sandy and my cousin Jackie will be my bridesmaids!
We are making great progress here folks. After we book the reception venue, we don't have to worry about the nitty gritty till next year!!
This past weekend I also went to Malone's with friends to watch Game 6. Terrible terrible game. Lou, Tobes and I decided to go home shortly after. Since Jason stayed at the bar, I got to go home and watch Amelie for the 10 millionth time with the director's commentary.
Jason and I also bought our plane tickets to London this September. We've decided to go to Dublin from London, meet our friend Shiralle at some point and then drive with her down the coast to Kerry area, which is where she lives. I'm so excited to go on a eurotrip this year!! And I'm going with Jason this time...so that will be quite an adventure I would think!
Last night was brilliant! Our Canucks won Game 7 and are now heading into Round 2 against the Disney Ducks. Yes that's what I call them. That's what happens when you name your team after some kid's movie. The west end was up and at em last night, cheering, screaming and honking till the wee hours of the morning. Usually I'd be screaming at them out my window, possibly throwing eggs at the noisemakers, but since it was for the Canucks.......WELL!........that's totally acceptable.
Slowly realizing that my birthday is coming up. Plans for the day are up in limbo. Not quite sure yet how I want to ring in the 28th year. Possibly something smaller, nothing huge. Just good eats, good company and lots of booze. (which pretty much sounds like all my other birthdays.....)Trestevere, Rome
safety first!
so much fun was had that dreamy september. jason and i are planning to see our friend shiralle in the cork area of ireland and then spend a few days in paris. o, j'aime paris!
but the BEST part was when jason went through his boxes and boxes of his stuff and threw things away! my little packrat made some space in our closet! i'm so proud...sniff sniff.
From my last blog, this is what I wrote for my New Year's Resolutions for 2006. The ones I have completed I've put in bold and italics
go to Europe and visit Zia in Greece, Melissa in Italy, my Uncle in Spain and roam endlessly till I run out of cash.
visit my grandma in California
win the lottery and buy someone out of a particular partnership
listen more
talk less
get a raise
or get promoted or both
lose weight (but it lasted 2 months. the holiday weight is back on)
smoke less, but then i'd have to drink less...so nevermind this point (I quite smoking)
take transit less, walk more (Jason's been giving me a ride to work in the morning)
save money (it's all gone now because of eurotrip)
pay off my debt
take Jason somewhere he's never been in his entire life (although i completed this one just last week when we went to Celebrities) (we went to the PNE)
learn how to cook so i'm not deemed helpless when Jason's not home to make dinner
not be a bridesmaid
get a haircut more often, instead of being a cheap frugal ass and waiting till my hair is no longer bearable (with short hair like mine, you have to)
So, in retrospect, not so bad. I probably completed half of what was on the list?