so i seem to get the shit end of the stick when it comes to assistants. my first assistant didn't care and didn't have any pride in her work, which is why everything she did was wrong. she was so miserable, she quit. Good. I didn't have to deal with her anymore.then i got my next assistant and she was great, but mostly because she was with the company for a few years and she knew how to do her job and unlike my first assistant, she took pride in her work. she wanted things done right and made sure things were done right.then what happened.staff turnover. lots of people left, we got new people in. we were understaffed for a while. in july, my supervisor decides she wants my assistant and in turn i get the new girl who starts the following week. she's the one from kazakhstan - remember? WAHWAHWEEWAH? well, she sucks. she sucks BIG TIME. she's not a very bright person and i end up sounding like a broken record because she forgets anything you've told her or trained her on. for example:one of her tasks is to pull all my renewals for me so i can start reviewing them a month ahead of the expiry date. i asked her to put them in date chronological order, just like last month. she comes up to me and asks,"when you say chronological order, does that mean alphabetical order? do you want your files in alphabetical order by the person's name?"No you dumb fuck. If I wanted it in alphabetical order
I would have asked you to put my files in Alpha-fucking-betical order.
I looked at her not knowing what to say. I thought to myself, "she must be joking. this is a funny borat joke." But no, she was serious. So I had to define "chronological" for her.This was also the 2nd time she asked me what chronological means.
The first time I was nice. The second time, I'm not as nice. In fact, I'm quite a bitch. Why wouldn't someone think, "Oh, I asked her this before. I'm going to look up 'Chronological' in the dictionary so I don't look like a total DONKEY.
shit end of the stick.