Monday, March 10

guilty pleasure

last year when jason and i went to ireland, we watched a lot of movies on the plane. A LOT. 4 movies our way there and 4 movies on our way back. one of them was blades of glory. as they started playing the movie, i obnoxiously rolled my eyes and changed the station to plain old music. but wait. people are laughing. hysterically laughing. i turn around and jason is crying laughing. i quickly change the station back to watch the movie and unfortunately i only caught the end of the movie.

last saturday, i went to my local rogers videostore and decided to rent 2 Days in Paris (very good movie by the way). as i was waiting for the next cashier, i looked at a bin to my left with a stack of movies on sale. $5.99 + 25% off! how could i resist? so i rummage through them and guess what i saw: Blades of Glory. so of course i had to buy it - i mean, i couldn't pass that up. $5.99 + 25% off? What a steal!

so i watched the entire movie tonight and i admit, it made me laugh. a lot. i laughed so hard at their choreography. total hilarity!
oh, what a bargain.

1 comment:

danny/ink2metal said...


that movie does rock!

that should teach you not to be such a movie-viewing snob.
