Wednesday, January 31
Month to date
- drinking
- working late
- yoga
- performance review
- reading chapters of business interruption
- thursday night classes
- Ikea
- winning people's monies at poker
- a week long flu
- baby shower
- sorting out my financials (which is a big job for a math retard to do)
- exhaustion, late nights, must see TV and boring miscellaneous
hopefully february will require less of me and will require more r&r.
Monday, January 15
we're making progress...

but the BEST part was when jason went through his boxes and boxes of his stuff and threw things away! my little packrat made some space in our closet! i'm so proud...sniff sniff.
Tuesday, January 9
nostalgic for 2006
so in honor of my trip i'm going to post up some photos. i haven't posted up photos in a while anyway....

Wednesday, January 3
what i did last year
From my last blog, this is what I wrote for my New Year's Resolutions for 2006. The ones I have completed I've put in bold and italics
go to Europe and visit Zia in Greece, Melissa in Italy, my Uncle in Spain and roam endlessly till I run out of cash.
visit my grandma in California
win the lottery and buy someone out of a particular partnership
listen more
talk less
get a raise
or get promoted or both
lose weight (but it lasted 2 months. the holiday weight is back on)
smoke less, but then i'd have to drink nevermind this point (I quite smoking)
take transit less, walk more (Jason's been giving me a ride to work in the morning)
save money (it's all gone now because of eurotrip)
pay off my debt
take Jason somewhere he's never been in his entire life (although i completed this one just last week when we went to Celebrities) (we went to the PNE)
learn how to cook so i'm not deemed helpless when Jason's not home to make dinner
not be a bridesmaid
get a haircut more often, instead of being a cheap frugal ass and waiting till my hair is no longer bearable (with short hair like mine, you have to)
So, in retrospect, not so bad. I probably completed half of what was on the list?
Pat on the back!
happy new year
no two week resolutions. just the knowledge i'll be making mistakes (new ones, preferably) will make this an exciting year.
last year's mistakes? leaving my raincoat in my hostel dorm. smoking. not going to california with the rents.
last year's successes? going to europe! quit smoking! getting promoted! all good, not too shabby stuff. sandwiches. making a new best friend.
overall, 2006 a good year.
2007 -- i've started the year off with a cold. but also started it off with my closest & dearest friend and my wonderful man beside me. can't complain there.
christmas was great too -- showered with presents and i showered those i love with presents as well. i got a new coach bag! wowsas. a lot of running around and lack of sleep which is probably why i'm sick in the head.
kay. got the colds. need to rest. ta tels!